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CWL Anaheim Power Rankings

Welcome back to yet another Power Ranking article, this time for the upcoming CWL Anaheim. For this ranking in particular, I’ve worked with the CoD Stats team to provide as accurate of a ranking as possible, and to do so I’ve used a mix of:A privately facing Elo Rating system, taking into account for recency by only calculating Elo based off of CWL London matches and the subsequent Pro League…


Introducing SnD Damage Efficiency

SnD is a low engagement gamemodeIn our neverending quest to create stats that give better insight into the impact that players have on the game, we are rolling out a new Search & Destroy stat: Damage Efficiency. This article will serve as a primer for Efficiency and show why the stat is needed. SnD is a mode with very few stats that apply to all players relatively equally. Kills and KD Ratio (KDR…


Rankings and Recaps: CWL London

Following up on my power rankings article for CWL London, I’m happy to introduce a regular “update” article, “Rankings and Recaps”. The goal of the article is to briefly go over a team’s performance after a major event, highlighting their best and worst performing players, as well as attempting to understand what caused their performance throughout the event.“Rankings and Recaps” will also serve…

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